Why Should All Adults Include Play in Their Exercise Routines?

June 4, 2022

Alicia jumping over a rock

The Importance of Movement Exploration

As kids, we moved for three primary reasons:

  1. to get something
  2. to get somewhere
  3. to play

Getting from the couch to the kitchen is a simple task for any able-bodied person, but for an 11-month-old, it may require any combination of turning, squatting, sitting, crawling, pulling, pushing, and walking. Toddlers get more motion in 100 yards than most of us to get in a 60-minute workout. A 60-minute workout is certainly more movement than most of us can aspire for in a typical day. We're lucky if we can get home from work at the end of the day and squeeze in a quick workout before the rest of our responsibilities demand our attention. The creative exploration of movement that we all engaged in throughout childhood has fallen by the wayside, but it hasn't lost its importance. As kids, exploring how our bodies moved within and around new skills was an essential part of getting a firm grasp on them. We still learn skills and develop key traits as adults, but we lack the exploration that allows us to truly own those abilities. Plus, experimenting with movements and positions allows you to obtain more freedom in how you use your body.

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