What will it take for fitness to move forward?

July 5, 2022
  • Although there will always be gyms, the coronavirus has already transformed how people exercise.
  • As more and more fitness enthusiasts build up their own home gyms, dumbbells have become a "necessity."
  • There is an expanding union between offline and online fitness.
  • New types of teachers are emerging

Fitness aficionados in Hong Kong are attempting to envision the future of the business after the pandemic as gyms are beginning to reopen and our favorite studios are introducing online programs intermittently. Even with a vaccine, the coronavirus has already altered how people exercise because everyone now prioritizes their health and safety above all else. The proprietors of gyms and exercise studios in the Philippines understand they must adopt a different strategy, despite the fact that other nations have begun to gradually return to the pre-pandemic normal. Based on how the government is handling the country's health crisis, they must come up with their own special solutions. According to Guardian Fitness, "Right now, we are unquestionably in a very, very different scenario from other countries.""Every nation has been unique, and up until now, we are the only ones who [haven't fully opened]." However, I'm hoping that what's taking place with them is a sign of things to come for fitness here as well.

FitnessGyms took their first step into the new normal when the government permitted non-contact sports gyms to operate in general community quarantine starting September 1. Now, they will support the effort to boost people's immunity through exercise during the pandemic, saying, "It will come back stronger." According to Guardian Fitness, "there will be more and more people who would be eager to raise their stamina, their strength, and boost their immunity, among other things, by really attending to the gym."

Gyms will always be there

Given that they adhere to proper health procedures, the reopening of gyms can create opportunities for social support at a time when mental health has emerged as one of the main subjects of conversation in the wellness industry as a result of the isolation caused by COVID-19. Because the gym setting is really recognized for the community of like-minded members and fitness professionals for social support, in addition to the facilities and the expert staff that can assist you appropriately, the coronavirus pandemic had a significant impact on the gym industry.

While anticipating to spend more on health and safety procedures, gyms have been posting negative revenue during the lockout. Guardian Fitness said, "It was almost like receiving a death sentence."

"I don't believe that boxing will disappear. I don't believe combat sports will ever become obsolete. Guardian Fitness is also confident that group fitness classes will continue, and she is already beginning to plan how they will be held in accordance with safety protocols. "I think it's impossible for them to go away because the fanbase of combat sports is different," "There is more hype now like the NBA because people didn't think it was going to push through again, but they found a way to go back," and "There is more hype now like the NFL."

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Covid-19 Notes:
To better ensure your safety, and the safety of our trainers,
Guardian Fitness periodically sanitizes our equipment and facilities.

All Guardian Fitness Trainers have been vaccinated.

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