Utilize the "talk test" to monitor exercise intensity

July 18, 2022

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the talk test is a method for determining the relative intensity of an activity. It is based on an understanding of how breathing and heart rate are affected by exercise. In general, the CDC states that if you can talk but not sing while engaging in an activity, it is of moderate intensity. Despite having a strained voice, you can carry on a discussion.

It's a simple way of adjusting intensity that doesn't require any difficult fitness technology or software. The talk test can assist you in "ensuring that you're achieving the intensity of exercise that you want to do to satisfy physical activity-recommended guidelines." This activity may look like brisk walking or moving at a speed of 3 miles per hour or faster, but not speed walking. According to the CDC, other activities that can fall under this intensity level include ballroom dancing, tennis, and riding at speeds less than 10 mph on flat or level land.

The CDC claims that speaking for more than a few words without pausing to catch your breath would be difficult during the most strenuous workout.

Running, swimming laps, singles tennis, aerobic dance, biking faster than 10 mph or on inclines, jumping rope, climbing uphill or while carrying a heavy weight are all examples of exercises that can be done at that intensity.

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