Spiced Apple Yogurt Sorghum Bowl

July 27, 2022


3/4 cup cooked plain whole-grain sorghum

1 apple

1 teaspoon virgin coconut oil

1 teaspoon brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/8 teaspoon ground ginger

Pinch salt

1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt


  1. In a bowl suitable for the microwave, warm the sorghum for 1 1/2 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, thinly slice the apple (with peel) in a skillet that has been preheated to medium-high heat.
  3. Cook the apple slices in the coconut oil in the skillet for 2 minutes while stirring.
  4. Salt, ginger, cinnamon, and brown sugar should be added to the apples.
  5. Stir thoroughly, then simmer for a further two minutes while stirring.
  6. Remove from the heat, then add the yogurt and apple slices flavored with cinnamon and ginger to the sorghum.
  7. Eat warm.

#EasyRecipe #SpicedAppleYogurtSorghumBowl #Healthy #HongKong #GuardianFitnessHK #hkfitness #hongkong #personaltraining #personaltraininghk

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