How to Exercise Two Times a Day

October 4, 2022

Even finding time for one workout can be difficult for the ordinary person, let alone finding time for two workouts a day. Nevertheless, this does not imply you should dismiss the idea entirely. As long as you know how to execute the right timetable for you to be safe, working on exercise twice a day has its rewards.

Benefits of Working Out Twice a Day

The fact that you are registering more activity than if you were simply working out once is one of the most obvious advantages of working out twice a day. Time spent sitting still is a definite risk factor for coronary heart disease and an increase in waist circumference, according to a 2017 study that was published in the International Journal of Obesity. Therefore, increasing your daily activity is a good thing. However, there may be other advantages to doing so as well. Strength and conditioning coach and sports nutritionist Brandon Mentore emphasize the benefits of two workouts per day for raising general performance.

"Training twice in the same day can trigger accelerated muscle growth and strength gains," Mentore says. "Training volume is an essential factor for almost all fitness goals, and training several times a day allows you to squeeze in more volume, increasing protein synthesis, metabolic capacity, and anabolic output."

In other words, two-a-days could accelerate your progress toward your goals if it is properly programmed. Additionally, you could discover that two shorter workouts fit your schedule better than one long one.


The main issue with two exercises a day is that the additional training volume puts you at higher risk for overtraining, in addition to the fact that two sessions a day equal two times as much dirty laundry.

"It can really tax your neuromuscular system," Mentore says, "increasing your likelihood for injury, disrupting sleep patterns, suppressing your immune system, and many other symptoms if you don't take the time to recover appropriately."

There can be too much of a good thing, as the saying goes. Therefore, pay attention to both what you are doing and how your body is feeling. Don't try to exert more effort than you are capable of.

Advice for Beginners

Anyone who has never worked out before or who hasn't worked out regularly in a few weeks or months shouldn't start a two-day training schedule. The people who benefit from this type of training are those who are specifically training for a competition or event or those who have been exercising consistently and are looking for a way to increase workload in a way that naturally fits with their schedule. For starters, there is no obvious benefit to doing so.

Not to mention, the majority of people who practice two exercises a day do it under the direction of a trainer or coach. This helps to make sure that the risks of injury and overtraining are evaluated and, hopefully, handled appropriately.

How to Add More Movement to Your Day

The simplest method to incorporate twice-daily workouts if you're new to exercising or just getting back into it is to simply seek ways to boost your overall level of daily activity. This does not imply that you go to the gym and do weights for 30 minutes before returning later in the day to run on the treadmill. Finding methods to keep active all day long is what's important. For illustration:

  • If you are engaged in a strength training session in the morning, use a foam roller at night. Rolling can expand your range of motion, reduce inflammation, and relieve pain.
  • While performing your routine housework, play music and dance. If you did yoga or Pilates earlier in the day, doing so will raise your heart rate and give you a little more cardio.
  • After supper, consider going for a ten-minute stroll with your family. If you don't have time to stretch right away after an exercise, spend some time stretching together afterward.

You can progressively increase your workload over time by engaging in little bursts of activity throughout the day. Just keep in mind to move slowly and pay attention to your body's signals.

How to Plan Twice-Daily Workouts

Naturally, no one wants to get ill or hurt. Even if you've been working out regularly for at least six months and want to increase your workouts to twice daily, you still need to be wise about how you carry out your plan. More offers the following suggestions:

  • A minimum of six hours should pass between moderately intense workouts. Therefore, you shouldn't begin your next workout until at least 2 p.m. if you finish your first one at 8 a.m. Give yourself additional time between sessions for more strenuous tasks.
  • Exercise vigorously early in the day and do less rigorous exercise in your second session. This maintains your regular pattern and aids in your recovery following your initial, more strenuous routine.
  • Perform lengthier workouts in the morning and shorter workouts in the afternoon. Your mental well-being may be enhanced, and you may become more productive throughout the day if you sweat more in the morning.
  • Put nutrition and hydration first in the time between exercises to prime your body for the next one. Once more, this encourages recuperation between and after each exercise.
  • Add naps to your schedule to promote rest and recuperation because performance depends on sleep. Additionally, naps can improve creativity, lower stress, and improve attentiveness. They might even help you develop better motor skills and more endurance.
  • Begin slowly. The longer you can go between two days, the more competitive or advanced you are. However, normal "weekend warriors" shouldn't perform several workouts on more than two consecutive days. You can progressively increase your training volume as your body adjusts.
  • On rest days, consume more calories and nutrients to aid in healing. You should also pay close attention to your sleep and stress levels. Think about incorporating massage therapy or meditation into your rest days.

Training Ideas

The benefit of twice-daily exercise is that there is no "one size fits all" program that one should adhere to. If you want to add a new type of training to your schedule but can't fit both workouts into your lunch break, adding a second workout gives you the ability to accomplish multiple goals. The decision to incorporate multiple workouts can be as simple as separating two types of training, such as cardio and strength work, rather than combining them into a single routine. You can try two-a-days in the following ways:

Heavy Training Followed by Recovery

It can be a good idea to add a second workout that is centered on recovery and mobility if you have trouble stretching after your regular workout. Strength training, more intensive cardio or high-intensity interval training can all be included in your first session. Later in the day, you can add a recovery workout that consists of low-intensity cardio, yoga, stretching, or foam rolling. Keep in mind that rest and recovery are just as crucial to injury prevention as vigorous exercise.

Strength Training and Cardio

Splitting your workout into two separate routines may be a good idea if you enjoy doing strength training and cardio on the same day but dislike how long it takes to complete both. Start your morning with the exercise that is the most demanding. If you frequently lift large weights, perform your strength training first thing in the morning; but, if you're preparing for a race, bike, or run. Then, in the evenings, follow the reverse procedure.

Split Sessions

For example, if you're training for a marathon, you could divide your miles into two running sessions, one in the morning and one in the evening. By breaking up your training into two sessions, you may add miles or repetitions while giving your body rest in between workouts. Similarly, if you're a strength athlete, you might work out different muscle groups in the morning and the evening.

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