How to Avoid Injuries While Running

May 20, 2022

Common marathon injuries

Knee problems, such as patellofemoral pain syndrome, runner's knee (iliotibial band friction syndrome), and hamstring muscle injuries, are three of the most prevalent marathon ailments. Shin splints (tibial stress syndrome) and tibial stress fractures are typical leg problems. Finally, foot and ankle problems like Achilles tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, and metatarsal stress fractures round out the top three most common marathon ailments.

Reducing injury risk

The GHK team advises that all runners be aware of the high-risk variables that can lead to injury. To begin, runners who have a BMI of more than 26 are at risk. Also, keep in mind that the way you train contributes to risk. This suggests that runners who don't do interval training on a regular basis are more likely to become hurt.

Prevention is key

Prevention is always preferable to cure when it comes to our health. Weekend warriors should use appropriate footwear, tailor their training to an appropriate timetable, use anti-inflammatory medications if needed, and run with a correct warm-up, cool-down, and stretching routine, according to GHK experts.

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