Goals for People With Type 2 Diabetes' Heart Health According to a New Report

July 25, 2022

A new Scientific Statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) offers suggestions for reducing the risk of heart disease in adults with Type 2 diabetes.

About the Scientific Statement

Heart and blood vessel problems such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, and peripheral artery disease are all included in the category of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The new AHA statement summarizes recent studies on reducing heart disease risk factors, including fresh details on anti-hyperglycemic drugs that may aid in bettering glycemic management.

People with Type 2 diabetes can control cardiovascular disease risk factors by making a range of lifestyle changes, such as improving their diet, increasing their physical activity, cutting back on alcohol, getting more knowledge, and receiving psychosocial support. In fact, according to the AHA statement, persons with Type 2 diabetes who lead generally healthy lifestyles had a significantly decreased chance of developing incident CVD.

Nutrition and Diet

There isn't a single "diabetic diet" that works for anyone. Instead, a tailored strategy is crucial for lowering the risk of CVD. The ideal diet balances medical requirements with personal preferences while being acceptable, inexpensive, and accessible. A nutritionist should be involved in the care plan for success.

In fact, the AHA asserts that a wide range of eating habits might be beneficial. These include the Mediterranean, DASH, paleo, low-carb, high-protein, and vegetarian diets. Rather of attempting to make drastic adjustments, put your attention on tiny ones that you can maintain over time. She provides some suggestions, for instance, that may be added gradually. These include eating more fiber, cutting back on added sweets, and replacing animal fats like butter with more plant-based oils. Filling half of your plate with non-starchy veggies at each meal is another.

Importance of Physical Activity

People with Type 2 diabetes should exercise since it helps to lower blood sugar. Additionally, it lowers inflammation, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Aim for 150 minutes per week of aerobic activity that ranges from moderate to vigorous intensity. Physical activity is also linked to a lower risk of CVD. This can be stretched out across a minimum of three days, with no more than two days in a row being completely idle.

It's crucial to do two or three sessions of resistance exercise per week in addition to aerobic exercise like walking, riding, dancing, or swimming. Planks, resistance bands, weightlifting, and push-ups are a few examples. Lastly, include some flexibility and balance exercises like yoga or stretching twice or three times per week.

Impact of Alcohol Intake

Light-to-moderate alcohol use, especially wine, has been linked to reduced heart attacks and some improved cardiometabolic parameters in people with Type 2 diabetes. However, excessive alcohol use raises blood pressure levels and raises the risk of heart attack. When you have Type 2 diabetes, moderation is key. If you don't currently consume alcohol, don't start. You should be aware that drinking alcohol may increase your chance of developing high blood pressure. Alcohol also makes it more difficult to control blood sugar levels. Limit your alcohol consumption to no more than one drink for ladies and two for men per day. Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels

In addition to managing your diet, adding daily physical activity, controlling stress levels, and getting enough sleep can help promote healthy blood glucose and blood pressure levels. A healthy lifestyle also includes regular checkups, ongoing education, psychological support (as needed), and monitoring clinical parameters like blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

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