Gluten-Free Espresso Banana-Acai Bowls

May 14, 2022


Two 3.5-ounce frozen unsweetened acai smoothie packs

2 pitted Medjool dates, chopped

1 ripe banana, plus more sliced, for topping

1 cup unsweetened dairy-free milk

2 tablespoons unsweetened cacao powder

2 tablespoons walnut butter or raw walnuts

2 shots espresso, at room temperature or cold

Chopped dark chocolate, chia seeds, blueberries, raspberries or unsweetened shredded coconut, for topping


  1. Puree the acai, dates, banana, dairy-free milk, cacao powder, walnut butter, and espresso in a high-powered blender until smooth. Add some of the toppings and the sliced banana on top.

#EasyRecipe #Gluten-FreeEspressoBanana-AcaiBowls #Healthy #HongKong #GuardianFitnessHK #HKGYM

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