7 Pain-Relieving Exercises You Should Do Every Day

June 6, 2022

Water exercise

People with RA who participate in hydrotherapy (exercising in warm water) had better health outcomes than those who participate in other activities, according to the Centers for Disease Control andPreventionTrusted Source. People with RA who participated in hydrotherapy experienced less discomfort and joint soreness, according to studies. Hydrotherapy enhanced their happiness and overall well-being. Water-based workouts, such as swimming and water aerobics, improve joint mobility and reduce discomfort.

Tai chi

Tai chi (also known as "moving meditation") is a Chinese martial technique that blends slow, gentle movements with mental concentration. In patients with RA, this exercise improves muscular function and stiffness while also lowering pain and stress levels. Participants in one studyTrusted Source reported feeling better after practicing tai chi and having a more positive attitude on life.You can start by purchasing DVDs or attending a local class.


Getting your heart pounding is critical if you have RA. This is due to the fact that people with RA are more likely to develop cardiovascular disorders and problems. Biking is a great low-impact workout that is gentler on the joints than other aerobic exercises. Biking improves cardiovascular health, leg strength, and morning stiffness. You can ride your bike outside, join a cycling club, or utilize a stationary cycle at a gym or at home.


A stroll through the park may appear overly simple, but it is one of the most simple and practical ways to exercise. Walking helps release your joints and lessen pain in addition to raising your heart rate. Walking for 30 minutes a day can also improve your mood, according to research. If you're experiencing difficulties with balance, try using walking poles to assist support yourself. If you're locked inside due to the weather, go to an indoor track or use a treadmill instead.


Yoga, which incorporates postures, breathing, and relaxation, can also aid with RA symptoms. Younger people with RA who practiced yoga showed improvements in pain and happiness, according to studies. Researchers from Johns Hopkins University discovered comparable results: RA patients had fewer sore and swollen joints after practicing yoga than they did before.

Strength training

Muscle weakness is common in RA, which can exacerbate joint pain. Strength exercise helps to reduce discomfort and strengthen muscles. Try lifting weights at home two to three times each week to help support your joints and make daily tasks simpler. If your fingers and wrists are in decent form, you can also use resistance bands. If you're worried about lifting weights or utilizing resistance bands on your own, talk to your doctor and consider working with a personal trainer.

Adjust to your condition

The key thing is to stick with whatever exercise you select. You'll probably feel more pain on some days than others. That's OK. On those days, exercise at a lower intensity, try a new sort of exercise, or take a day off. If your hands can't grip a weight, wrap a resistance band around your forearm instead. If all you have left is to walk, take a walk outside. You'll feel much better afterward, even if it's at a leisurely pace.

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