Characteristics of a Great Personal Trainer

October 5, 2022

There's a good chance you know someone who does if you don't have a personal trainer. You can hire a trainer to meet you at home or enroll in an outdoor boot camp class. Personal training is a developing industry with an increasing number of alternatives, styles, and personalities to select from. The competition for personal training clients is fierce, and some trainers market themselves on their specialized knowledge or athletic coaching experience, while others claim to be able to do it all. You could hire a trainer who specializes in a particular sport or one who works only with women, seniors, or even children. How can you tell if your trainer is worth their hourly rate, then?

Regardless of the kind of trainer you choose, it's beneficial to evaluate the list below and provide your trainer with an honest evaluation of your own. You might want to keep looking for a personal trainer if yours doesn't check off every item on the list.

Education and Certifications

You should confirm the credentials of your trainer. It can be challenging to tell the good personal trainers from the average because there are so many different degrees and certificates available. A qualification is not a guarantee that a trainer will be a great coach, but it is a place to start. Even the most committed professionals find it difficult to stay current in the rapidly changing fields of fitness, nutrition, and health.

Ask your trainer how they actively pursue continuing education through classes, workshops, a lot of reading or reviewing of literature, and networking possibilities within the profession. Consider looking for certifications from organizations like ACSM, NESTA, NETA, NSCA, NASM, ACE, and AFAA. Keep in mind that passing the test doesn't guarantee success as a coach or personal trainer. Excellent personal training involves both art and science, and your trainer should be able to incorporate the most recent findings and industry standards into a program that is effective for you.

They Perform Assessments

In addition to having a strategy, a skilled, certified personal trainer also keeps track of your progress and documents your plan. Fitness training without a baseline assessment is similar to embarking on a journey without a map: it's still possible to have a ton of fun, push yourself, learn something, and possibly even see results, but it's much less effective and focused than when you have a map. Of course, the objectives and aspirations you have for your training program are entirely up to you. You shouldn't be pressured by a trainer to track anything you don't want to, such as your body weight or your circumference measures if you'd rather not.

Additionally, assessments should be continual, checking in to see how you are doing every few weeks. These evaluations have to be in line with the objectives you established with the aid of your trainer. Some variables, like body weight, should be left out if you don't want to measure them, and your trainer should accept that.

They Focus on Progression and Rest

A great trainer will do some research once you've finished your baseline evaluation and had a lengthy conversation about your objectives, history, and lifestyle. When you return for your first session, they will have already reviewed the findings of your fitness testing, your daily obligations, and your overall goals and will have come up with a reasonably thorough training schedule. This is your route. It ought to have a start, middle, and end. With built-in monthly checkpoints, tweaks, and rest days, it will probably last for around three months. You'll be working out hard to get better (only after you learn proper technique and build up your core stability).

Naturally, these demanding activities will advance and be followed by rest days. You will also keep introducing new exercises and intensities in a logical progression. You shouldn't feel overworked or unchallenged. It's important to measure and monitor your development so you can see how far you've come. Additionally, depending on how you are reacting, your trainer ought to be able to modify your approach. Nothing ought to be hard or unchangeable.

They Have Happy Clients

Most excellent teachers have contented, prosperous clients. If you have permission, you can phone a couple of their former clients and ask them about working with that trainer. You can also ask for references. A meet-and-greet is another option for getting to know each other and making introductions. A successful relationship with your trainer depends on your ability to get along and click.

They Believe In You

Reaching your goals will be more challenging if your trainer doesn't have faith in you. To avoid going it alone, you are employing a trainer. Every client has the ability and potential to succeed, according to a great personal trainer. They'll enliven your exercises, get you motivated to train, and teach you how to go where you want to go.

It will advance with a truly excellent trainer. The best personal trainers will assist you in discovering your inner power and motivation as well as in learning to believe in yourself. A skilled trainer will also provide you the tools to modify your views, boost your confidence, and find your drive to consistently adopt healthy behaviors outside of your training sessions, even though you may always require the road map.

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